

Both Ruth and Wayne are part of the EAPPI team for winter 2010.   For 10 years they have lived in Tacoma, WA where Wayne has been pastoring an Evangelical Covenant Church and Ruth has primarily been  involved as pastor’s wife.  In the last year Wayne has moved into semi retirement, which has allowed for the option to spend these three months in Israel/Palestine.  Their three grown daughters, 2 sons-in-law and 2 newly acquired grandsons all live in the Northwest. 


EAPPI, Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel, came into existence in the last decade at the request of Palestinian Christian leaders for Christians from around the world to be involved with them.  At it’s core this ministry is a ministry of presence – walking with Palestinians, giving evidence of the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, Immanuel, God with us. 

For more about EAPPI go to eappi-us.org.



Wayne and Ruth would love to come to your church or group, no matter how large or small to lead you in a discussion of the issues of the Middle East and to help grapple with developing a Biblical perspective of this important and troubled area.  Contact them for more information or to schedule a seminar.  A seminar can be scheduled before they leave in December or after they return in mid March.

3 Responses to About

  1. Amy Wolff says:

    Ruth and Wayne,
    What an exciting time for you, obediently following God’s calling to go far away to loose the chains of the oppressed. I am praying for safe traveling over all the miles you’ll be covering, and for safety and blessings in your mission. I never imagined you would be assigned in different towns — that sounds like one hard part. May God richly bless you in the contacts you make, the love you share deeply, and the sense of working with Him to extend His kingdom.
    Miss you — love you!
    ~ Amy

  2. Amy Wolff says:

    Ruth, how wonderful to hear from you, my dear friend. It has been too long! I don’t know if you will read this before or after your flight to Tel Aviv, but know that I’ve been praying for you. It is so sweet to hear about the close relationships you have with your girls and sons-in-laws. And congratulations on your acquired grandchildren! What a blessing.

    What’s going on with us right now is a celebration of the life of Lenny’s mom, Rosalin, who just went to be with the Lord on Saturday afternoon. Lenny’s parents had moved to Fairfield in 2004 or 05 and have been in an assisted living facility for the past two years, where she battled increasing limitations. We have true joy and peace in knowing she is in glory in her new body, and singing in the heavenly choir.

    Tiffany is an 18-year-old freshman at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy where she started in mid-October on a Bachelor’s in Fine Arts for acting, with a concentration in dance. We are amazed and proud of her. She is tremendously talented and hard-working — and far from home, which is hitting her extra hard with the loss of her dear Grandma at the time she is counting the days til she comes home for the holidays. She takes conservatory-style classes — hours of studio work and minimal academic homework, is incredibly busy and exhausted, and is loving it.

    For some reason, I wasn’t able to get on Wayne’s page. Please give him a hug from Lenny and me. Looking forward to hearing more from around the world!
    ~ Amy

    • Ruth Smith says:

      Amy – Thanks for the update on what is going on with you all. I am sure there have been plenty of hard days with Lenny’s mom in recent times, and I am thankful that you all have such a peace about her passing.

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